General Science

Grades 1 to 10
In everyday life, scientific literacy has its relevance as we, humans are surrounded by technology and products. The use of science cannot be neglected and become a part of human life. Science education allows the student to develop a scientific intellectuality to think and to use the right approach and formulas for everyday life problems and situations. It is one of the subjects which cannot be ignored in a student’s early life years. If students are wary of science or feel bored, then it’s the right time to get their morale uplifted by experienced tutoring delivered by well-designed curriculum maps and notes.


Grades 11 & 12
Everything in the universe is based on chemicals, and knowing chemistry is worthwhile for every student. From the very basic understanding of the life-building blocks to technology-driven products, the use and importance of chemistry are everywhere. If a student struggling to learn chemistry and is stressed about low grades or anxious about how to work with concepts, equations, and theories. Then this is the right time to give them the best tutoring support to build their confidence and to learn chemistry with interest.


Grades 11 & 12
Knowing about the laws of the universe needs problem-solving skills, and an intellectual understanding of the theories, concepts, equation driven mechanisms. In a nutshell, physics as a subject will allow you to explore all these fundamentals and build up the scientific skills to discover how the world works.


Grades 11 & 12
Feel excited to know about living things? How they interact with each other and the environment. Want to explore the cutting-edge technologies and methods used in biology, the role of computers in gene technology, and computational studies. If yes! then biology is one of the subject choices for the student. If a student struggles how to learn vast biology information and lacks confidence, it’s time to get the best tutoring support.

Our teaching and learning strategies are

  • Student learning environment adaptable techniques
  • Open to discussion
  • Individual study plan charts
  • Related scientific skills to everyday life
  • Easy to learn concepts to build confidence
  • Encourage questions
  • Overall student attention while delivering lessons
  • Qualified and experienced tutors.

If You Have Any Questions Contact Us